Environmental Sustainability
Water Conservation
Water is a critically scarce and vital resource in the American West. Starting right here at the headwaters of the Colorado River, we have led several initiatives in our communities to conserve water. From Water Smart Irrigation Assessments and installing rain sensors on irrigation systems, to encouraging owners to invest in water saving fixtures in their homes and monitoring HOA water bills for excessive usage, we advance the protection of the most important resource in the West.
Energy Efficiency
Electric and Gas bills can have a huge impact on the budgets of community associations. By prioritizing the installation of snow and temperature sensors in the snow and ice melt systems we maintain, we have been able to save thousands of Dekatherms of natural gas and more importantly, we helped save our HOA’s tens of thousands of dollars each year in natural gas bills.
For many of our HOA’s with common heat and hot water, we have partnered with bulk natural gas providers, like Tiger Natural Gas to buy the commodity directly, rather than buying the gas directly from Xcel Energy. This has helped HOA’s each save thousands of dollars a year on utility bills.
HOA’s can play a vital role in protecting Summit County’s spectacular natural landscape. In an effort to help reduce materials going to the landfill at the source we have been strong proponents for recycling. Several of our HOA’s were among the first to use single stream recycling provided by our partners at Waste Management and Timberline Disposal. Moving into 2025, we are preparing all of our HOA’s to meet the Town of Breckenridge’s new Universal Recycling mandates. Together we can help achieve the community’s 40% landfill diversion target.